Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Not a "Homeschool Mom"

A long time ago, in a land far away, I once said - "I will NEVER homeschool". 

Never say never, right? 

I have been eating these words for years. 

Sometimes, I have been solely responsible for their schooling, but most often have had the support of trained teachers. Never have I felt convicted, nor convinced, that I'm the best one for the job. 

And let's face it, I like having time and space in the day to be involved in things outside my home! 

However, Jesh and I have been certain that these kids are our primary ministry and responsibility right now. With the older two in Middle School years, and our primary teacher leaving, it's became clear that I need to step it up. A lot. 

With a sense of overwhelm and apprehension, I have begun digging into what it will look like to be their full-time "teacher" for the next couple of years. Yikes!  It feels like an incredible sense of responsibility, knowing I'll have to be prepared to follow through. Every. Single. Day. 

As I began really researching homeschooling options for middle school years, it only got more overwhelming. Did you know there are 7 basic methodologies for homeschooling? And all sorts of hybrids? And don't even get me started on curriculums.  

And then what about their spiritual formation? Special skills? Or Youth Group and extracurriculars? 

What if I blow it? And they hate school? 

Admittedly, I have had panicked, sleepless nights considering what they need and what I want to be able to provide, but having no clue how to confidently proceed.

How to make "mofo banana"
(fried bananas) 

But then I got thinking. If I really believe we are where we need to be in this season, then can't I also trust God will equip us with what the kids and I need? 

I have never felt like I'm the perfect one for the job. Not as a "missionary", and most certainly not as a "teacher".  You know what? It's just plain uncomfortable. And while I don't always want this role, it's also my privilege. Even my joy (who would have thought?!). 

Walking alongside my kids, being humbled, and learning what it means to raise up children to one day be contributing members of society. 

With help from my logical husband, we are sifting through the information overload. I'm mucking my way through our homeschool vision; goals, needs, values, resources and limitations. 

And you know what? I'm really AM excited. I have found myself thinking how wonderful it is to watch them learn and discover, and been surprised how much I can enjoy learning with them. 

Participating the rice harvest with our neighbors

Making clay flower pots at a local village

Fabricating Aluminum cooking pots. 

Up-cycled from litter found around town, 
it was exciting to watch the aluminum get purified 
and turned into something lovely and useful. 

(imagine the analogies!)

As much as I don't feel like I'm the best one for the job, right now it's up to me (and online classes?!?). 

So I'm diving in, and praying for grace and patience. 

But hey, I'd happily "let" someone else help with their educational support, so do spread the word our team is still actively looking!

By Julie

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