Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Not Finding Dory


Thank you to everyone who donated medical supplies and goods and contributed financially for our shipping container! It weighed in at 32,000lbs which was somewhat less than expected but well below the max weight of 40,000lbs. Luckily the container has not found Dory. Seija has been praying that it would not sink in the atlantic ocean after I showed her a YouTube video of containers on a ship in a storm and then she watched “Finding Dory” and saw the fish swimming around a sunken containership at the bottom of the ocean. Seems her prayers are being answered. I received word that it is due to arrive in Tanzania in about 1 week. We are grateful to everyone who continues to pray and assist us prepare for our work in Burundi. We pray that these resources would be used to bless Burundi in a positive way. 
By Jesh 

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