Saturday, December 31, 2016


Well, life continues to accelerate despite multiple attempts to hit the brakes. Some days I think I have two hands on the parking brake and I am pulling up with both hands but the car of life continues to drive itself and I am forced to steer rather than stop. I haven't quite figured out whether it is the addition of Kai, final year surgical residency or France & Burundi preparations..... All I can say is I have looked forward to Christmas break to spend some time with Julie and the kids.

Julie and I have been encouraged as we talk about our plans with friends, colleagues and family. I was honoured several weeks ago when one of our surgeons told me he is "living life vicariously through me." I am also excited about the many teaching points that continue to come up in my surgical training. Not a days goes by when I don't hear  "you will want to know this when you are in Burundi," or "I will show you how to do this so you know when you go Burundi." I feel that they are excited that I am going and I am truly thankful for the opportunity to train as a surgeon and for the expertise and invaluable experience imparted on me by my staff surgeons.

All this being said, every so often I look at Julie and ask her if we are crazy. Giving up a potential career in Canada, financial security, our home, proximity to our families. Is it all worth it? I think so!

Today I read, "Just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives." Romans 6:4.

We may live new lives! There is an incredible sense of thrill that follows when we trust beyond ourselves and also an incredible peace... Perhaps the greatest comfort we have when life seems out of control is that we don't do life alone when we walk with God... not to say life won't be hard or challenging or sleepless or at times lonely but He promises to go with us. And in giving the rudder of life to Christ means the outcome also belongs to him...


Mercy Me - Flawless

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